Chelsea Detrick Gap Year Scholarship
Chelsea Detrick Gap Year Scholarship
Most students coming to the completion of their high school studies focus on one of two directions: going off to college or joining the work force. There is a third option – a Gap Year.
What is a Gap Year?
Found more often in Europe, a Gap Year is the year following completion of high school in which a student decides to defer either going to college or starting a job to undertake a year of travel or volunteer work, or a combination of both. Many students go off to college because, “It’s the next thing I’m supposed to do” or “What else would I do?” or “That’s what my parents want and expect me to do.” For others who are undecided about a future direction, taking a year to explore, both personally and geographically, can be a positive life-changing experience.
What should I do?
- First, proceed with all college applications to institutions in which you have a potential interest. Go through the entire process and hear back in March about whether or not you are admitted to each college to which you have applied. Among schools to which you are admitted, choose which one you would like to attend. AT THAT POINT, decide if you would like to defer your admission for one year and undertake a Gap Year. Virtually 100% of colleges will defer your admission for one year if you want to undertake a defined Gap Year.
- If as part of a Gap Year you would be willing to spend 10 – 16 weeks in Nepal, with No Limits Nepal, the Chelsea Center has one scholarship of up to $5,000 available to pay program fees (which include room and board) and round-trip airfare (at the most affordable fare available).
- As part of the scholarship application process, students should submit the following:
- A one-page essay on why you want to do a Gap Year and why you would like to spend some of it volunteering in Nepal.
- A general plan of how you would intend to spend the rest of your Gap Year.
For more information, contact Dr. Arens (314) 918-4181 in the Chelsea Center.
Read more about our previous Chelsea Detrick Gap Year Scholarship recipient's adventures in Nepal on his blog.
Click below to watch Philip and Glenn Detrick take you through the Gap Year journey!
Previous Gap Year Scholarship Winners
Philip Freeman 2019
Logan Storck 2023
Taryn Hibbing 2024