Missouri Seal of Biliteracy
Missouri Seal of Biliteracy & Distinguished Seal of Biliteracy
The Missouri Seal of Biliteracy (SOBL) and Distinguished Missouri Seal of Biliteracy is awarded to graduating high school students in school districts/charters with a DESE-approved program, who have demonstrated achievement in English, a Language Other Than English (LOTE) and sociocultural competence.
All Missouri students studying any of the world’s languages are potential Seal candidates. The SOBL has been recognized by various businesses, organizations, and institutions of higher education. A growing number of Missouri colleges and universities have committed to awarding credits to students earning the SOBL. Additional information may be found at https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/english-language-development/missouri-seal-biliteracy.
The Missouri Seal of Biliteracy (Missouri Seal) became effective October, 2017. This program recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. The Missouri Seal will be awarded by local school districts in accordance with specified criteria set forth in state policy. A growing number of Missouri businesses and institutions of higher education have formally endorsed the Missouri Seal.
A county office of education, school district, private school or charter school that participates in this program must complete an initial application the first year of implementation and a renewal application each year afterwards. Once the applications are processed, the state will send an electronic version of the Missouri Seal that can be used on diplomas, transcripts, certificates, ribbons, medals, or any other recognition option the school desires.
Criteria for Language Proficiency in English
Native English speakers and former English learners, upon entry to high school and including monitored students, must earn a minimum score of Proficient on the English II End-of-Course (EOC) assessment. If the student did not earn a satisfactory score on the English II EOC, an ACT 6 ELA score of 18 may be used for the Missouri Seal and an ACT ELA score of 21 may be used for the Distinguished Seal. Students entering high school designated as an English learner may substitute a minimum score of 4.0 on the ACCESS for ELs 2.0 assessment. To earn the Distinguished Seal, ELs must earn an overall 4.7 on the ACCESS. Students only need one standardized measure of English proficiency.
Sociocultural Competence
Students must demonstrate high levels of sociocultural competence as it relates to English and the LOTE. Decisions on selected measures lie solely with the district and must include measures for demonstrating positive attitudes toward bilingualism and using both languages in a culturally appropriate way. Districts should develop rubrics to use in the assessment of sociocultural competency and articulate minimum criteria for achievement in this area. Some activities that demonstrate sociocultural competency include, but are not limited to
- translation assisting community organization;
- completion of community service project using both languages;
- active participation in multicultural community events; or
- essay explaining how proficiency in both languages will help the community.
WGHS Requirements:
- Demonstrate good school attendance (95%/99%) and no behavior infractions.
- Earn the minimum score on the English II End-of-Course assessment (see chart above).
- Arrange to take the assessment (AP Exam).
- Score 3 or higher on AP World Language Exam.
- Demonstrate sociocultural competency. This must receive pre-approval from the World Languages Department Chair. Options including, but not limited to:
- translation assisting community organization;
- completion of community service project using both languages;
- active participation in multicultural community events;
- essay explaining how proficiency in both languages will help the student in her/his career and/or community
- Notify counselor and/or department chair of intent to establish the Seal of Biliteracy.
Once all requirements have been met, the seal will be applied to the student’s official transcript.